AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah: Your Resource for Local, Convenient Care

The healthcare industry has certainly gone through some major shifts over the past few years. The pandemic changed the way we operated in virtually every way—literally!

The pandemic’s emergency status is set to expire in May, and while that is good news, it will also change the way telemedicine operates.

Thankfully, things won’t really change too much around here. The benefits of an in-person visit to AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah can’t be beat! We explain why a personalized approach to health care is not only better for the community, but also for your health, below.

Why Is AFC the Right Choice for Me?

What makes AFC different is the fact that we are part of the community! Many of us live here in town, and that makes us uniquely connected to the patients we serve. We can offer you a friendly face and a human touch, and we can even make small talk about what is going on around town or the score of the latest football game.

An in-person visit also allows us to see your injury or ailment up close and personal. We can do a more thorough exam, get a visual on your symptoms and allow us to ask more follow-up questions. This all works together to create a faster and more accurate diagnosis for you.

Why an In-Person Visit Matters

  • Access to further testing
  • Better patient/provider relationships
  • Accurate and comprehensive diagnosis
  • Personal touch

How Do I Know When a Visit Is Necessary?

The convenience and safety of telemedicine was surely a great way to continue offering care in an unknown world. While it was a useful tool during the pandemic, it was never a perfect solution for every medical issue and need.

If your visit is entirely virtual, your medical provider cannot see your condition in person and might not be alerted to every symptom. It also doesn’t allow for any sort of further testing. When you come to AFC, you not only get a thorough evaluation, but you can also get blood work, an X-ray or a rapid test to help our team make a more accurate diagnosis. We look forward to serving you in person this year and beyond!

Services That AFC Offers

  • Thorough, patient-centered visits
  • Lab services
  • X-rays
  • Rapid testing for flu, COVID-19, strep throat and some STDs

We are always here for you. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah today.