Can Stress Cause Adverse Health Effects?

No matter how happy we may be in life overall, stress is something that we will always have to deal with at one point or another. Whether it is a quick stressor or a long-term one, our bodies will respond to stress with adverse side effects that can compound the issue at hand.

Thankfully, knowing how stress can impact the body and how to handle it can go a long way in keeping you healthier. That is why AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah has put together some fast facts about stress and its impact, so you can make healthy decisions towards a stress-free life.

How Does Stress Impact My Life?

When your brain signals for your body to begin releasing stress hormones, they spread throughout every part of you and can wreak havoc on your systems.

The longer and more frequently you experience stress, the worse these adverse effects can be. In time, they can cause more serious health conditions that may last for a lifetime, even after the stressor has been removed.

Parts of the Body Stress Impacts

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Digestive system
  • Muscular system
  • Immune system

What Adverse Health Impacts Can Stress Have?

Because stress can impact basically every major part of the body, stress can have serious adverse health impacts as well.

Issues with sleeping, headaches, high blood pressure, depression, stomachaches, over- or under-eating, tense muscles, and more can all result from stress, so taking care of your mind is an effective way to take care of your body.

How to Lower Stress Levels

  • Get regular, consistent exercise.
  • Prioritize sleeping between seven and nine hours each night.
  • Unplug and spend time on hobbies and enjoyable activities.
  • Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation.

If you have not been feeling well, your AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team is here to help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a doctor.