How Do I Help My Child With a Sports Injury?

If you have children who are heavily involved in sports, you know how busy life can get! From games to camps to tournaments, they are constantly in motion. But what if the unexpected happens and your child accidentally gets injured while playing his or her favorite sport?

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah frequently treats sports-related injuries, and we have some tips and insight to share below.

Are Some Sports More Dangerous Than Others?

Sports-related injuries are usually most common amongst the high-contact sports like basketball or football. The constant collisions and close contact with other players comes with a higher risk of injury. However, even the most unsuspecting sports come with risks. Did you know that about 700 high school students suffer various injuries each year while bowling for their high school bowling team?

Whenever your child chooses to participate in a sport, there is a risk of injury. If your child does become injured while playing, we have some tips below to help you navigate what to do next.

Common Injuries We See

  • Sprains and strains: Many sports involve jumping and twisting, resulting in ankle and foot problems.
  • Overuse injuries: When a muscle or body part is used consistently in the same motion, like baseball pitchers, these types of injuries are common.
  • Stress fractures: This injury occurs when the muscle surrounding a bone cannot support the constant pressure anymore. These are common in runners.
  • Head or neck: High-contact sports like football carry a higher risk of head or neck issues, which can be severe.

Can You Prevent Sports Injuries in Kids?

One of the best ways to prevent injury is to make sure your child is up to date on his or her sports physical. Come see us at any time and we can help ensure that your child is healthy enough to participate in activities.

If the sports physical is passed, proper hydration and a healthy diet can help keep your child’s body functioning properly. It is also important to properly warm up, stretch and cool down throughout the practice or game, to wear sport-specific safety equipment, and to practice proper technique and form.

Tips for Injury Recovery

  • This simple acronym RICE can help prevent you from developing worsening symptoms—Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevate.
  • Monitor for any more severe symptoms or issues.
  • Make an appointment with us or come by to get checked out by one of our staff members. We can take some X-rays and investigate any issues more thoroughly.

Did your child recently suffer a sports-related injury? Visit our AFC team to get an X-ray—no appointment necessary!