Is Fall-Cleaning a Good Idea?

It feels good to spring-clean in order to rid your home of winter germs, lighten decor and let in fresh air. But it might be just as refreshing and important to do some deep-cleaning as we prepare for the fall and winter months.

Many illnesses thrive in the colder months so maybe we should take some precautionary measures now. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah is here to help you stay healthy for the fall and winter months!

Why Is Fall-Cleaning Beneficial for My Health?

Warmth, water, darkness and food are all contributors to the growth of germs and bacteria. As we retreat inside for the colder months, we crank up the heat, dim the lights and possibly forget to keep things fresh and clean.

Many sicknesses like the flu spike in the winter due to our tendencies to congregate indoors. Fall-cleaning can be beneficial for the reasons below.

How to Reap Benefits of Fall-Cleaning

  • Make surfaces a clean slate to eliminate favorable growth conditions for germs.
  • Reduce clutter to make your space more comfortable. This can elevate your mood, which in turn may reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression.
  • Rid your home of dust and pollutants, which can cause seasonal allergy reactions.

What Are Some Areas to Focus on When Cleaning My Home?

If you are deep-cleaning, grazing over some easily forgotten spaces can actually make a big impact on the overall cleanliness and feel of your home.

We all know to wipe off doorknobs, vacuum floors and keep bathroom surfaces sanitized. But what are some other areas that are important to remember?

Common Items That Need to Be Maintained

  • Windows
  • Behind/underneath furniture and in between cushions
  • Linens, blankets and curtains
  • Ceilings and walls
  • Clutter

Fall-cleaning can really help you prepare your home and family for the upcoming seasons. If you have other concerns about your health and wellness, contact our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah today!