Spring Into Smoking Cessation | Ooltewah, TN Walk-In Clinic

Spring is a great time for starting over to help feel rejuvenated and refreshed, and our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants you to realize that there is no better way of feeling more refreshed than by quitting smoking once and for all.

Quit the Smoking Habit

The type of cessation strategy you use will depend upon your personality. Are you someone who can go cold-turkey, or do you need assistance with quitting smoking for good? The task isn’t easy, so don’t be scared if you are one who needs to ask for additional help, especially since it is available.

Make a date to quit, and do not move it. Don’t say, “I will quit Monday,” and then turn around and say, “Well, I will start next month.” You will never get around to it if you keep moving the date. So go to your calendar, pick a date and stick to it!

Also, keep a diary, which can help you when running into obstacles along your smoking cessation journey. Write down your smoking triggers so that you know when you are at the highest risk of falling off the wagon, as well the reasons why you are quitting. This will help you to refresh your mind by reminding you why you started in the first place when you are tempted to give up.

Don’t be scared to tell others you are quitting the habit. That way they can help you—not hinder you—with your goal to quit smoking. By letting people in, you are allowing them to help you avoid the triggers that may cause you to smoke, as well as be your “wingman” when times get hard and you are tempted to reach for the cigarette. They can help hold you back and, instead, help you stay on track.

Are you suffering from a smokers’ cough, or something else? Visit AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah to be seen by a medical professional who can help you overcome your symptoms with a proper treatment plan.