When you do not get the sleep you need, the day can seem long and your patience can get short. However, not getting a good night’s sleep can affect more than just your mood. Sleep deprivation can also affect your overall health. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants you to start getting the sleep you need. Read on as we offer some tips. Why Do I Need So Much Sleep? Read on →

Now that summer is close to ending, it means no more allergies until spring, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, fall allergies can cause just as many issues for our health as spring allergies. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants you to be aware of the main symptoms of fall allergies, as well as what you can do to prevent them. What Are the Main Allergens Causing Fall Allergy Symptoms? Ragweed is one of the biggest triggers for allergies during the fall months and can last well into September and October. Read on →

When you think about your youth, you probably have a few memories that includes scrapes and scars. Injuries are just a part of childhood, right? Well, yes and no. While bumps and bruises are a common part of childhood, our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants to share some insight about how to keep your little ones as safe as possible. How Can You Reduce the Risk of Injury in Children Who Play Sports? Read on →

Did you know there are approximately 25 to 45 million people in the United States living with irritable bowel syndrome? Of that number, two out of three of them are women. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants to share some insight about this common condition and steps you can take to prevent it. What Exactly Is IBS? IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a condition that impacts the large intestine. Read on →

It never fails. You use the restroom before you leave the house and then have to go again once you reach your destination. Or worse, you feel like you have to go to the bathroom, but nothing happens once you are there. If you are suffering from bladder issues, you are far from alone. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants to share some insight into the subject. Read on →

Summer in east Tennessee—lots of sun, lots of quick rain storms and lots of bugs! It can sometimes seem like you step outside for just a few minutes and wind up with bug bites galore. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants to step you through some bug bite prevention and treatment tips. When Should I Worry About a Bug Bite? Read on →

We all want to have a fun summer. However, the only way to really have fun is to be safe. But our children might not necessarily have safety as a priority. Therefore, our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants to share some steps you can take to protect your kids this summer. What Precautions Should Be Taken This Summer? We all want to be our healthiest selves, especially in the summer. Read on →

Colds are only for the winter, right? Wrong! A cold can come on at any time, even during the summer months. However, that doesn’t mean it has to ruin your summer fun. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah is sharing some ways you can tackle a summer cold and get back to the party! How Common Are Colds? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults get around two to three colds per year while children may experience up to 12 every year. Read on →

Skin care is something we should all focus on but rarely do. However, with the summer months right around the corner, now is the perfect time to improve your skin care knowledge, especially when it comes to ways to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah is here to offer you tips on how you can start taking better care of your skin. Read on →

No matter what your goals are, they’re usually made easier when you do them with someone else. That’s definitely true of building healthy lifestyle habits. That’s why during Family Wellness Month this May, our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah wants you to consider making a healthy lifestyle a family affair. What Does My Family Need to Do to Be Healthy? There are a number of components that go into living a healthier lifestyle. Read on →