Stomach pain and nausea make life unpleasant when they introduce themselves into our lives. It’s hard to focus on anything else when your stomach hurts and you feel like you’re about to vomit. Even though nausea and stomach pain are extremely uncomfortable to experience, they can be treated at home, and usually with natural remedies! Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team further explains below, so keep reading. Here’s what to do: Drink water. Read on →

Yeast infections are common fungal infections, and they most often occur among females. While these types of infections are common, they’re not usually serious and can often be adequately treated at home without medical care. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah provides some additional helpful info on these types of infections below. What Should I Know About Yeast Infections? Technically, a yeast infection can occur in other parts of the body (mouth, throat and gut), but they most often occur in the vagina. Read on →

When you’re coughing nonstop from bronchitis, you’ll take anything you can get if it will make the coughing stop. Besides a cough suppressant, which can have side effects like drowsiness, dizziness or dry mouth, there are some other things you can try at home that can help you feel better! Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team provide some further helpful info below. Can Bronchitis Be Treated at Home? Truthfully, it depends on the type of bronchitis. Read on →

STD symptoms aren’t as common as you might think. Yes, there are common symptoms that show up when you get an STD, but many people who have an STD don’t even know they have one! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah goes on to provide further information about STDs below, so keep reading. Who Is at Risk of Getting an STD? Anyone who is sexually active with more than one person poses a risk of getting an STD. Read on →

Gout can affect anyone, but it more often affects men than it does women. In fact, men can be three times more likely to get gout than women because they have higher levels of uric acid most of their lives. Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team provides some more helpful information about this painful form of arthritis below, so keep reading! What gout is: Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis characterized by recurrent attacks of a red, tender, hot and swollen joint. Read on →

You probably know that stretching and warming up before exercising is important, but do you know why? Physical exertion on cold, stiff muscles increases your risk of pulling a muscle, which is painful and can cause long-lasting discomfort. Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team provides further information on muscle strains below, so keep reading! Why Is Stretching Important? Stretching is one of the most underrated components of maintaining proper muscle health. Read on →

Dogs are a man’s best friend, but sometimes even man’s best friend can be cranky. If your dog bites you, which can happen to anyone, what should your next steps be? Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team answers that question and provides further helpful information below, so keep reading! Should I Go to the Doctor if I’ve Been Bitten? While some bites don’t absolutely require medical attention to properly heal, most experts still recommend seeking medical care 24 hours after you’ve been bitten—especially if the bite has broken the skin. Read on →

Strep throat is very common among children between the ages of 5 and 15. In fact, it’s estimated that between the ages of 5 and 15, at least 15–40% of sore throat cases among children are actually caused by Streptococcus bacteria (strep throat). If your child experiences strep throat symptoms, it’s important to make sure he or she gets tested! Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah center explains why below. Read on →

Rashes can be caused by many things, whether it’s an allergy to a specific food, plant or medication, or whether it was spread by someone with a contagious infection. Whatever the case may be, rashes are uncomfortable and itchy, and no one wants to experience one. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah provides further helpful information on rashes and their common causes. What Is an Allergic Rash? Read on →

Did you accidentally cut yourself? If you have, it happens, and it’s certainly easy to panic once you see blood flowing out of your arm or hand. It’s natural to think you might need stitches after getting cut, but that’s not always the case. Most shallow cuts will heal on their own, so how are you supposed to know when you should visit the doctor for potential stitches? Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team provides some answers below. Read on →