It’s never a fun situation when you have to schedule an X-ray. Although X-rays involve radiation and are usually scheduled because of injuries or things of that nature, they are generally safe to get. Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team explains why below. What Are X-rays? An X-ray is a common imaging test that’s been used for decades, and it helps your doctor view the inside of the body without having to make an incision. Read on →

Kidney infections are rare, but they can cause serious complications if not taken care of quickly. How are you supposed to know if you have one? And if you do have one, how are they treated? Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team provides some answers below. How Can I Know If I Have a Kidney Infection? First off, you will experience symptoms such as fever, pain or discomfort when urinating, pain in the back, side or groin, and cloudy or bad-smelling urine. Read on →

It can. We all know that hearing loss can be caused by lots of different factors, such as aging and injury, but an untreated ear infection can impair your hearing as well. How, you ask? Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team provides some answers below, so keep reading. How Do Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss? Hearing loss caused by an ear infection is referred to as “conductive hearing loss” and is commonly caused by an obstruction in the middle ear. Read on →

Ooltewah Middle and Elementary spring sports are finally upon us! We know that your student athletes are excited, but they have to get a sports physical before they can fully participate. Why, you ask? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah has some answers, so read on! Who Needs a Sports Physical? Most states, like Tennessee, require all student athletes complete a sports physical before participating in any school-sanctioned sport. Read on →

Strep throat is a common bacterial infection, affecting between 11,000 and 24,000 Americans every year. So, how can we avoid this uncomfortable sickness? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah has the answers, so read on! What Should I Know About Strep Throat? Strep throat is an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by a bacteria group called A Streptococcus, or group A strep. When not dealt with in a timely manner, strep throat can lead to inflammatory illnesses, such as rheumatic fever, kidney inflammation and scarlet fever. Read on →

With COVID-19, it sometimes seems like the symptoms are endless. In some cases, people complain about a lack of taste or smell. In other cases, people complain about intense body and backaches, so what should you expect if you contract the virus? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah has some answers, so read on. Is Back Pain a Common Symptom of COVID-19? Maybe not back pain specifically, but body aches are. Read on →

Yeast infections are very uncomfortable to experience and to talk about, but the fact is, they are a very common infection among women. In fact, nearly three out of every four women will experience this infection at some point in their lives. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah is here to provide you with the necessary information you need on yeast infections, so read on. Here’s what to do: Monitor your symptoms, first. Read on →

COVID-19 rates are spiking all over the country, so it is completely normal to be a little worried if you do happen to come down with a case of the virus. However, you’re not alone in your struggle. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah is here to provide you with the necessary information on what to do next if you do get sick, so read on. How Serious Is Getting COVID-19? Read on →

It’s no secret that some quality tunes can provide a much-needed mood boost, but that’s not all music can do! Did you know? In addition to improving your mood, music can boost your cognitive abilities! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah explains how. How Does Music Affect My Brain? According to recent studies, music positively impacts brain function and human behavior by reducing stress, pain and symptoms of depression, as well as improving cognitive and motor skills. Read on →

It’s a little too easy to turn the TV on or give your kids a smartphone when they’re feeling wired. While the entertainment and quiet that usually provides is quite nice, it’s not the best move for you or your children in the long run. Instead, we’d encourage you to encourage your kids to get some physical activity. Exercise is an important part of everyone’s health, no matter the age! Read on →